Planetary Science Decadal Survey

Visions and Voyages for Planetary Science in the Decade 2013 - 2022

New Frontiers in the Solar System: An Integrated Exploration Strategy 2003-2013
Author National Academy Space Studies Board
Original title New Frontiers in the Solar System: An Integrated Exploration Strategy 2003-2013
Country United States
Language English
Genre Astronomy
Publisher United States National Research Council
Published March 7, 2011
Media type hardcover, PDF

The Planetary Science Decadal Survey is a publication of the United States National Research Council produced for NASA and other United States Government Agencies such as the National Science Foundation. The document identifies key questions facing planetary science and outlines plans for space and ground based exploration ten years into the future. Missions to gather data to answer these big questions are described, prioritized where appropriate.[1][2] [3]


2013-2022, Visions and Voyages for Planetary Science

Visions and Voyages for Planetary Science in the Decade 2013 - 2022 (2011) was published on March 7, 2011.[4] Draft versions of the document were presented at town hall meetings around the country, lunar and planetary conferences and made available publicly on the NASA website and via the National Academies Press.[3] The report differed from previous reports in that it included "brutally honest" budgetary review from a 3rd party contractor. The report highlighted the proposed Mars Astrobiology Explorer Cacher (MAX-C) which seeks to return samples from Mars.[5]

The committee producing the survey was led by Steve Squyres of Cornell University and included 5 panels focusing on the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, and the Moon), Mars (not including Phobos and Deimos), the gas giant planets, satellites (Galilean satellites, Titan, and other satellites of the giant planets) and primitive bodies (Asteroids, comets, Phobos, Deimos, Pluto/Charon and other Kuiper belt objects, meteorites, and interplanetary dust).[6]


2003-2013, New Frontiers in the Solar System

New Frontiers in the Solar System: An Integrated Exploration Strategy 2003-2013 was published in 2003.[8] The committee producing the survey was led by Michael J. Belton. The 5 panels focused on the inner planets, Mars , the Giant planets, Large satellites and Astrobiology. The survey placed heavy emphasis on Mars exploration including the Mars Exploration Rovers, established of the New Frontiers program including New Horizons mission to study Pluto and established programs in power and propulsion to lay a technological basis for programs in later decades including manned missions beyond Earth orbit.

1995 to 2015, Space Science in the Twenty-First Century, Imperatives for the Decades

While not titled as a decadal survey, a planetary science plan covering 1995-2015 was published by the Space Studies Board. The report recommended a focus on "Galileo-like missions to study Saturn, Uranus and Neptune" including a mission to rendezvous with Saturn's rings and study of Titan. It also recommended study of the moon with a "Lunar Geoscience Orbiter", a network of lunar rovers and sample return from the lunar surface. The report recommended a Mercury Orbiter to study not only that planet but provide some solar study as well. A "Program of Extensive Study of Mars" beginning with Mars Pathfinder mission was planned for 1995 to be followed up by one in 1998 to return samples to Earth for study. Study of primitive bodies such a comet or asteroid was recommended as a flyby mission of Apollo and Amor asteroid.[9]

1986-1996, A Strategy for Exploration of the Outer Planets


1980-1990, Strategy for Exploration of Primitive Solar-System Bodies


1977-1987, Strategy for Exploration of the Inner Planets


While not a decadal survey, the 1975 Report of Space Science included the exploration of the Outer planets. [13]

1968-1975, Planetary Exploration


See Also


  1. ^ statement of work
  2. ^ "Just Released: the Planetary Decadal Survey for 2013-2022". Planetary Society. 
  3. ^ a b "2013 Decadal Survey and NASA Planetary Science". NASA. 
  4. ^ Visions and Voyages for Planetary Science in the Decade 2013 - 2022, National Academies Press
  5. ^ "Lean U.S. missions to Mars, Jupiter moon recommended". 7 March 2011 (Reuters). 8 March 2011. 
  6. ^ Sayanagi, Kunio M. (March 14, 2011). "Planetary Exploration 2013-2022: Scientists are ready, what about you?". ArsTechnica. Retrieved March 21, 2011. 
  7. ^ Planetary Science Decadal Survey Mission & Technology Studies
  8. ^ New Frontiers in the Solar System: An Integrated Exploration Strategy 2003-2013, National Academies Press
  9. ^ Space Science in the Twenty-First Century -- Imperatives for the Decades 1995 to 2015. Space Studies Board. 1988. ISBN 978-0-309-03885-0. 
  10. ^ A Strategy for Exploration of the Outer Planets, 1986-1996. Space Studies Board. 1986. ISBN 0-309-12310-0. 
  11. ^ A Strategy for Exploration of the Outer Planets, 1986-1996. Space Studies Board. 1980. ISBN 0-309-12336-4. 
  12. ^ A Strategy for Exploration of the Inner Planets, 1977-1987. Space Studies Board. 1977. ISBN 0-309-12343-7. 
  13. ^ Report on Space Science. Space Studies Board. 1976. ISBN 0-309-12347-X. 
  14. ^ Report on Space Science. Space Studies Board. 1968. OCLC 254442711. 

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